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Ayurvedic Routines to Maintain Good Health

Week of Wellness title 2

Rutinas Ayurvedicas Para Mantener la Salud

Course Language: SPANISH

Ayurvedic Routines to Maintain Good Health

Wednesday February 24
5:00 – 6:00 PM

Rutinas ayurvedicas para mantener la salud

Ayurvedic routines to maintain a good health



Georgina Kuttel es nutricionista especialista en nutrición AYURVEDA, vegetarianismo y nutrición integrativa y auto gestiva.  Cocinera Naturista y creadora del proceso mes DEPURATIVO y depurativo 2, procesos on line de aprendizaje y transformación de la salud.
Acompaña procesos de salud personales y grupales, a travès de consultas, clases de cocina natural, procesos grupales de transformaciòn y consciencia corporal.
Georgina Kuttel is nutritionist specialist in AYURVEDIC nutrition, vegetarianism and self-managed integrative nutrition.
Natural food chef and author of the Cleanse Month Process (Proceso Mes Depurativo) and Cleanse Month Process 2, online guided learning and health transformative  processes.
She accompanies individual and groups health processes, with consultations and natural food cooking clases. She leads group processes of transformation and body awareness.
Phone: +54 11 27913047 (WASAAP),
Instagram: @georginakuttelnutricion