Learn to Live Sweetly Without Sugar

Aprende a “Vivir Dulcemente y sin Azúcar”
Course Language: SPANISH
Learn to “Live Sweetly without Sugar”
Friday February 26
11:00 – 12:30 AM
Aprende a “Vivir Dulcemente y sin Azúcar”
Con recetas simples, deliciosas y sanas para ti y tu familia.
Eres de las personas que sientes es imposible dejar o reducir el Azúcar refinada? Esta clase te ayudará.
Juntos veremos que sí podemos seguir disfrutando de todos esos ricos postres.
Nos vemos el 2/26 a las 11:00 am
Chef Natita
Cooking class by Chef Natita
Learn to “Live Sweetly without Sugar”
With easy, healthy and delicious recipes for you and your family.
Are you one of those people who believe that it’s impossible to reduce or quit processed sugar from your life and still enjoy amazing desserts? Then this cooking class is for you!
See you Friday 2/26 at 11:00 am
Chef Natita
1) Receta Mousse de chocolate y aguante (palta)🍫 🥑
3 Aguacates medianos pelados su pulpa
1/2 taza de leche vegetal a elección coco, almendra o avena ( esto depende de la consistencia que te guste puede agregar un poco más o menos)
1/4 taza de cacao en polvo puro sin azúcar
1/4 taza de Monk Fruit (Lakanto) en polvo sino tienen acceso a este ingrediente reemplazarlo por miel 🍯 pura, la cantidad será de acuerdo a lo dulce que les guste
1 pisca de sal
1 cucharadita de esencia de vainilla
1 cucharadita de canela (opcional)
Chispas de chocolate sin azúcar (opcional) para decorar
Hojitas de menta (para decorar)
Berries 🫐🍓(para decorar)
2) Receta de Trufas de limón 🍋energéticas
1 1/2 taza de harina de Almendras ( puedes usar avena echa harina cambiará la consistencia de las trufas, y textura pero queda bien esta opción ,solo usa 1 taza)
1/2 taza de mantequilla de almendras ( puedes usar de mantequilla de maní 🥜)
1/2 limón su jugo
1 limón amarillo 🍋 su ralladura sin llegar a la parte blanca que es amarga
1/4 taza de 🥥 coco rallado
1/4 taza de Monk fruit (Lakanto) en polvo o puedes reemplazar por miel pura
1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla
1 pisca de sal
1/4 taza de flax seed (linaza)
1 cucharada de colageno de vainilla (opcional)
Natalia Cosentino is a Chef, Educator, Speaker and Consultant
Chef Natita’s mission is to share her passion for healthy eating and cultivating it as a lifestyle. Through educational programs Chef Natita presents how the food you eat directly impacts your life on all levels. Chef Natita has 14 years of experience as a Vegan Chef and served as the Salad Bar Chef at Whole Foods Market for 5 years. She is a bilingual Master Trainer in Entrepreneurship and created, Programa de Transformación y Renovación para Mujeres Emprendedoras (Transformation & Renewal for Women Entrepreneurs). Chef Natita also created a successful online program, Vive Dulcemente sin Azúcar (Live Sweetly without Sugar), a program to help people eliminate processed sugar from their diet in 8 weeks.
Chef Natita is best known for her dessert menus. She has undoubtedly created delicious options that are sugar free, not artificially sweetened, lactose free, and with no required cooking needed. These popular creations have been adopted by various health- conscious restaurants in Latin America. One of Chef Natita’s recent projects was the creation of an exclusive healthy menu titled, Only Healthy, for La Miguelina Restaurant in the Dominican Republic. She is currently a Lakanto ambassador spreading the word about this sugar free all- natural sweeteners made from monk fruit.
Chef Natita is constantly giving back to the community. She was invited by the Public Library of Miami Dade County, to create a program and with a LIVE demonstration about Healthy Cooking. Here she helped educate the public on healthy eating habits, nutrition, recipes and how to read the food labels. In addition, Chef Natita was invited as a guest speaker to the 18 th Annual Day of Caring for Breast Cancer Awareness in Miami sharing her message about the importance of healthy eating to over 400 guests.
Her passion for giving back does not stop there as she discovered a need with young adults with Autism. Chef Natita created a nutrition program for a group home in California where she helped cultivate healthy eating habits and the results were incredible. The young adults were more mentally focused, had weight loss and experienced positive behavior and moods.
Chef Natita lives in South Florida with her husband, Peter. She enjoys the company of her family and close friends. Chef Natita is always ready to share a message of love and her passion about healthy, sustainable, and tasty eating with the world.